Laparoscopy. Used to look inside the abdomen and internal genitalia. Following general anesthesia an incision in the navel and one in the lower abdomen, then carbon dioxide is injected into the area to extend and divert the intestine possible. The laparoscope (thin device equipped with tiny camera) is inserted through the first cut and the second probe is placed, allowing the doctor to view the abdominal cavity through a monitor, which serves as a guide for handling surgical instruments. Enables display tubes, uterus and ovaries, and allows biopsy, suction and electrocoagulated adhesions (undo applying small electric shocks) endometriosis, a condition characterized by the formation of small cysts in the endometrial, causing enlargement in the matrix.

Endometrial biopsy. Is performed in the office and involves removing a small sample of the endometrial. It takes about 10 minutes and takes place between 1 and 3 days before the onset of menstruation. Allows diagnosis of whether ovulation and hormone levels in the second half of the cycle are normal. It also serves to determine if the uterus is free from infection or inflammation.

Other problems that can cause failure of pregnancy in women are the presence of infections in the reproductive organs, which are usually transmitted by sexual contact. The clearest example and that claims more victims every day, is cervical cancer, a condition caused by human papillomavirus, genital warts which way that will lead to the deadly disease.

To rule out suspected, the doctor will prescribe the Pap test, which allows a collection of mucus in the vagina and cervix for microscopic examination and determine the presence of any condition. Also, diagnosis may require colposcopy, simple procedure for exploring the female reproductive tract using a speculum, which allows the visualization of tissues in the area through a modified microscope called a colposcope.

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Irregular or abnormal ovulation is the cause of approximately 25% of infertility cases. However, make a record of basal body temperature is a simple and inexpensive to tell if a woman ovulates, the same procedure can be performed.

To affect this, the woman must take her temperature orally every morning, as soon as you wake up, for a minimum period of one month, and record the record. During the days of ovulation are increased levels of estrogen and progesterone, which causes the body temperature to rise about half a degree (between 13 and 16).

Progesterone is a hormone produced by the ovaries after ovulation, which transforms the lining of the uterus in a receptive environment for implantation and nutrition of the fertilized egg.

If no ovulation, typically the temperature remains relatively stable. Note that factors unrelated to the reproductive cycle, such as cold or fatigue, can affect the registration.

Another method of identifying the fertile days is checked daily cervical mucus secretion, through the vagina a piece of toilet paper, which at first is yellowish-white, thick and cloudy, which means that in those days there fertility. Once the cervical mucus becomes transparent color and sticky consistency (similar to egg white) can ensure that reached the fertile period, which usually lasts between 3 to 5 days and when these conditions are present, the sperm can spend more easily into the uterus and fallopian tubes.

After this time no fertility and secretion changes again becoming milky, or disappears.

It is not uncommon that infertility repercussion on relationships, and for that to surface cause anger, sadness, guilt and anxiety. Share these feelings with family and friends are not easy, which often leads to isolation. If it is the responsibility of the physician to clarify the likelihood of pregnancy, the couple will decide how far wants to go in their attempts to conceive.

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